Agent labels

Last updated on Apr 20, 2023

Agent labels allow you to further segment your agents data, to keep it organized and easier to manage. Some agent labels in the system are managed automatically by the system’s core functionalities.

Open the administration interface

The administration interface may not be available to all users. Certain users may also have restricted access to only certain features. If the below steps are not applicable to you, please consult your administrator.

  1. Click on the ⚙️Admin button in the main menu.

  2. In the Agents section, click Labels.

Creating an agent label

Click on the ➕New button and choose a name as well as a color.

Updating an agent label

Using your mouse, hover above the entry you wish to update and click on it.

Deleting an agent label

Using your mouse, hover above the entry you wish to delete and click on the red 🗑️ button.

Note: Agent labels managed by the system cannot be deleted or renamed.